Welcome to the Riverton Regional Airport’s Master Plan information site. The airport is in the final stages of updating the Airport Master Plan, which will estimate the facilities required to meet the anticipated demand for the next twenty years, and ensure that the airport continues to act as a gateway and an economic catalyst for the area. The master plan process was a collaborative effort involving the Airport Board and staff; local, state and federal government; and of course the users of the airport and community at large. A current master plan is necessary to ensure that the airport grows in a logical manner consistent with actual demand. Due to the dynamic nature of the aviation industry, the master plan should be viewed as a living document that allows flexibility with changing times. In order to allow the airport to adjust to industry and local trends, the FAA recommends that airports update their master plans every five to ten years.
This website has been prepared as an information portal so that the public can be informed and have a forum to submit comments or suggestions regarding the future of the Riverton Regional Airport. By following the links, you will have access to the study reports, airport layout plans, project schedule, and important news and dates. We welcome your comments on the comment page.
On October 25, 2011, the Riverton City Council accepted the Airport Master Plan and Airport Layout Plan contingent upon FAA approval of the documents.